Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Leeds Light Blues Club? – The LLB is a club for Freemasons and masonic candidates around Leeds and Wakefield, (including Wetherby, Garforth, Pontefract, Castleford, Batley, Morley and Pudsey), to socialise, learn from, and support each other on our unique and individual masonic journeys. The LLB Club is not a private Masonic Lodge, and it works within the constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and within the Masonic Province of Yorkshire, West Riding.

What’s in it for me? –  The LLB club is a complementary addition to a brother’s craft lodge experience. As a cross-lodge initiative, we form a collective peer group for all Light Blue* Freemasons (and invited candidates) to enable: the widening of masonic friendships, by visiting different lodges together, organising online and in-person lectures and meetings, including charity and social events.

Please note, the first point of contact for a new Mason should always be their proposer and Lodge Mentor. The Leeds Light Blues aims to complement Freemasonry and work harmoniously with all Lodges.

What are the Benefits of being an LLB Member? – Membership of the LLB’s brings many benefits. Not only will you be actively part of a vibrant masonic community, you will:

  • Be able to join the LLB Masonic Visiting group – for organised visiting of Lodges around the greater Leeds and Wakefield areas.
  • Access to a private Facebook page, Discord Server and WhatsApp chat connecting you with other Yorkshire West Riding Freemasons
  • Curated masonic events directed for club members by club members

Our Policies are here: