Our New Look Social Calendar of Exciting Events for 2023

A photo of the audience from The Liberal Art of Music lecture, as part of our 2019 Social Calendar
A photo of the audience from The Liberal Art of Music lecture, as part of our 2019 Social Calendar

Leeds Light Blues Events Calendar 2023

The LLB Social Calendar for 2023 is starting to fill up with activities, social events and lectures. Exact details (location and time) of the events will be published here.

2023 DateEventLocationTime
JanuaryTBCDetails to follow
FebruaryTBCDetails to follow
Sat 18 MarchCANCELLED YWR NMC SeminarBlenheim House,
Batley Masonic Hall,
WF17 0BF
09:00 – 16:00
AprilTBCDetails to follow
Sat 6th MayCoronation Social The Packhorse, Briggate 12:00 – Late
JuneTBCDetails to follow
JulyAnnual Summer Pub QuizThe Allerton TBC
AugustLLB Goes Outdoors (Camping Trip)A Campsite, probably over Hebden Bridge way TBC
SeptemberTBCDetails to follow
OctoberTBC Details to follow
NovemberTBCDetails to follow
DecemberTBCDetails to follow
LLB Event Calendar 2023